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2022 Autumn Update: Complete Recap | House of Clashers | Clash of Clans News and Sneak Peeks

    2022 Autumn Update: Complete Recap

    Get ready Clashers, here is everything you need to know about the Town Hall 15 Update!

    Electro Titan

    With a housing space of 32, the Electro Titan can hit ground and air troops, causing damage to a single target only.

    She can be unlocked on Town Hall 14.# New Siege Machine: Battle Drill

    Battle Drill is a single target Siege Machine that will target defenses.

    Similar to the new Pet Diggy and the Miner, once the target has been destroyed, it will go underground and move to the next target.

    New Spell: Recall Spell

    The Recall Spell can recall troops and Heroes in terms of a certain camp space into your army, so you can redeploy them.

    New Pets


    With 5.000 HP when maxed, Diggy travels underground like a Miner and will temporarily stun the building that is targeting.


    Frosty is a ground pet that can attack ground or air targets. Periodically he spawns frost bites which slow down defenses.


    The Phoenix will temporarily revive a fallen Hero. The revive time depends on the level of the Phoenix.

    Poison Lizzard

    This Pet spit Poison to on its favorite target, which is the enemy Heroes and troops. It can attack ground and air targets. He behave similarly to a Headhunter while walking with your Hero.


    Know as the "tank killer", this defense will do extra damage to tank troops. Besides the regular damage, it deals extra damage based on the total health of the troop.


    Spell Tower

    This new defense will drop spells which will help the defense of your base.


    The new Spell Tower has 3 levels and you will feature the Poison Spell, Rage Spell and Invisibility Spell.

    Town Hall 15


    Pet House

    Siege Workshop

    Clan Castle


    Spell Factory


    Barracks Changes

    • We will remove extra Barracks and Dark Barracks buildings and only keep one of each. The highest level building will be kept, and in case all the highest level buildings are under construction you will keep the one with the shortest upgrade time left.
    • All production buildings (Barracks, Dark Barracks, Spell Factory, Dark Spell Factory and Siege Workshop) will now be able to keep training units when under upgrade. Instead of stopping completely they’ll continue training at 50% of their normal speed.
    • Troop training time will be the same with one Barracks or Dark Barracks as it is now with four Barracks or two Dark Barracks.

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